New Content Feb 28thtrainz Forge

A month after the defeat of Cell, the world gets invaded by odd beings Leave a Like and if you haven't already, Subscribe! Resource Pack: ๐Ÿ“– About: Atmospheric is a series of a unique biomes. There are currently two sets of biomes, Rainforests, and Dunes, both of which have many sub-variants to be found, and are plentiful in offering new rewards, more info can be found on the Minecraft Abnormals Wiki or on our Discord. Adds autumnal biomes and other content tied to the autumn season, including mobs, foods, and building blocks. Adds an autumn-themed biome with a new wood type. Our offerings extend from 1869 through 2019, focusing on the best that the steam and transitional eras had to offer. We are among the only content developers for Trainz that frequently model 1890s and early 1900s equipment. February 24, 2011. Here are a few New Year resolutions related to buying a car. Find out how you can get a better car deal and enjoy an improved credit score as well.

  1. New Content Feb 28thtrainz Forge
  2. New Content Feb 28thtrainz Forge 2020
  3. New Content Feb 28thtrainz Forge Ny

Navisworks provides the ability of Sectioning to place plane or box to create cross sections on the model in a 3D workspace. By saving and export SavedViewpoints, we can get the params of the sectioning planes. The below is one demo XML. It contains the sectioning planes collections (6 planes). Each item indicates if this plane has been enabled, and corresponding param: direction and distance. This XML also contains data of camera of this viewpoint, which you can map with Forge Viewer (please check Load XML of Navisworks Saved Viewpoints to Forge Viewer Cameras).

Forge Viewer also provides the ability to set sectioning planes. This blog tells the basic usage: In some workflows, we need to map the planes of Navisworks viewpoints to Forge Viewer. However, using the same parameters from Navisworks XML, the planes are not correct in Forge Viewer. The sectioning results are not same to those in Navisworks. After some investigation, I found some tricks with the mapping.

One source model might probably be designed far from the WCS origin. The sectioning planes align with the XYZ of the origin. e.g. in the sample model ClashTest.nwd, Plane 1 is enabled. It aligns to Y+ axis. The plane normal is [0,1,0]. Only the Y+ (0,1,0) value can affect the sectioning. Current value is 1500. After export the viewpoint, the param in XML will be:

If the plane is rotated and becomes to custom, the related param will look like:

In any case, the distance in XML = vec3f.x * (X value in UI ) + vec3f.y * (Y value in UI) + vec3f.z * (Z value in UI)

In Forge Viewer, after the model is placed by setting center of bounding box of the model to WCS origin. So if using distance value of Navisworks to set the clip planes in Forge Viewer, it will be wrong. In addition, I found the axis direction for sectioning in Forge Viewer is opposite to that in Navisworks. By these clues, we firstly need to get the model offset which Forge has aligned with. The property can tell the information. e.g. In Forge Viewer, the test model has the offset:

Next, we build the sectioning plane by calculating the exact offset in the scene of Forge Viewer:

Now, we can have the same result like in Navisworks :)

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The Pitt Mentoring and Advising Community Circles (PMACC) are groups of undergraduate mentors and advisors across Pitt who share a common interest or experience. The goal of the PMACCs is to build professional networks, communities, and knowledge around a common interest or experience in advising and mentoring undergraduate students. Each PMACC also has a specific goal statement in relation to that community's interest or experience.

Join us during the Spring 2021 semester as we launch four PMACCs!

New Advisors and Mentors

The PMACC for new advisors and mentors is for those who have been in an undergraduate advising or mentoring role at Pitt for four years or less.

  • Co-leads: Danielle Richardson and Devin Ulm
  • Goals of the PMACC for new advisors and mentors include:
    • Build community and professional networks across departments and schools.
    • Provide support in the transition from school to professional life, including work-life balance.
    • Share experiences as a new advisor at Pitt.
    • Develop conversations about emerging trends and issues in higher education.
    • Learn about getting acclimated to different resources at Pitt.

New Content Feb 28thtrainz Forge

Spring 2021 Meetings

  • January 12 at 11 a.m. EST
  • February 9 at 11 a.m. EST
  • March 11 at 12:30 p.m. EST (at the Mentoring and Advising Summit)
  • April 13 at 11 a.m. EST


The PMACC for faculty is for those at Pitt who share both an undergraduate teaching and advising/mentoring role.

  • Co-leads: Jessica Wandelt and Kyle Whittinghill
  • Goals of the PMACC for faculty include to:
    • Build community and professional networks across departments and schools.
    • Share tips and tricks for balancing teaching time and advising/mentoring responsibilities.
    • Share ideas for more meaningful advising/mentoring practices.
    • Learn about different strategies to balance advising/mentoring vs. teaching communication.
    • Learn more about innovative programming happening across different department and schools.
New Content Feb 28thtrainz Forge

Spring 2021 Meetings

  • January 8 at 12:30 p.m. EST
  • February 12 at 12:30 p.m. EST
  • March 11 at 12:30 p.m. EST (at the Mentoring and Advising Summit)
  • April 9 at 12:30 p.m. EST

FGLI Student Advising

The PMACC for FGLI student advising is for those at Pitt who advise, coach and mentor first-generation and/or limited-income undergraduate students.

  • Lead: Michele Lagnese
  • Goals of the PMACC for FGLI student advising include:
    • Build community and professional networks across departments and schools.
    • Share resources that help to build cultural and social capital for FGLI students.
    • Share ideas for innovative programming happening across different departments and units.
    • Learn about technology, tools, and resources available across Pitt aid in FGLI student success.

Spring 2021 Meetings

  • January 13 at 1 p.m. EST
  • February 10 at 1 p.m. EST
  • March 11 at 12:30 p.m. EST (at the Mentoring and Advising Summit)
  • April 7 at 1 p.m. EST


The PMACC for staff is for those at Pitt who are in an undergraduate staff mentoring, advising or coaching role.

New Content Feb 28thtrainz Forge 2020

  • Lead: Ed Giles and Kristine Pugliese
  • Goals of the PMACC for staff include:
    • Build community and professional networks across departments and schools.
    • Share best practices and approaches in advising and mentoring happening across different departments and schools.
    • Develop conversations about emerging trends and issues in higher education.
    • Learn about technology, tools, and resources available across Pitt.

New Content Feb 28thtrainz Forge Ny

Spring 2021 Meetings

  • January 13 at 11 a.m. EST
  • February 9 at 1 p.m. EST
  • March 11 at 12:30 p.m. EST (at the Mentoring and Advising Summit)
  • April 13 at 1 p.m. EST